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Providing Balanced Solutions for Your Transportation Needs

Traffic Signals & Illumination:

Design, Modifications, & Operations

Safe | Efficient | Accessible

PH Consultants are expert traffic signal designers and can help you with all your improvement needs. Including safety enhancements, modifications, operations analysis, accessible pedestrian signal upgrades, and emergency repairs.

Roadway Traffic Design

Innovative | Multimodal | Sustainable

From green LED roadway lighting to channelization plans, signing plans, and pavement rehabilitation projects, PH Consulting provides practical design solutions to meet your needs.

Commercial / Residential / Institutional Site Development

Value | Live | Learn

PH Consulting is experienced in preparing master site plans, traffic impact analyses, parking design, and traffic circulation analyses for residential developments, major commercial sites, and institutional uses.

Active Transportation

Inclusive | Cohesive | Sustainable

PH has the experience to provide you with a vast array of active transportation design services such as complete streets, RRFBs, crosswalks, bike lanes, permeable sidewalks, and more. 

Maintenance of Traffic

Effective | Safe | Clear

Our traffic control design provides clarity and safety to drivers and construction workers alike while maintaining efficiency and efficacy.

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Smart | Adaptive | Connected

Our firm is ready to help you modernize your communications capabilities with fiberoptic networks, wireless solutions, traffic monitoring cameras, central signal control systems, and other highly efficient ITS improvements.

Specialized Municipal Services

Inclusive | Transparent | Accountable

PH Consulting is experienced in providing a wide range of specialized municipal services including Pavement Management Programs, ADA Transition Plan Development, Neighborhood Traffic Safety Programs, Transportation Grant Program Management, Peer Review, Development Review, and Public Private Partnership development.

Transit Services

Accessible | Efficient | Comprehensive

PH Consulting provides services that aid in more efficient movement of transit including transit signal prioritization, bus lanes, traffic analysis, and more. 

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